Who We Are

We are the Bristol University COVID-19 Emergency Research Group (UNCOVER). We are pooling resources capacities and research efforts to tackle the current pandemic. UNCOVER includes clinicians, immunologists, virologists, synthetic biologists, aerosol scientists, epidemiologists and mathematical modellers and has links to behavioural and social scientists, ethicists and lawyers.

Lead Coordinator

Adam Finn, Professor of Paediatrics

adam.finn@bristol.ac.uk @adamhfinn


Andrew Davidson, Andrew.Davidson@bristol.ac.uk

Phil Bright,  Philip.Bright@bristol.ac.uk

Research Manager

Kathleen Sedgley: K.Sedgley@bristol.ac.uk

Our underpinning communities are the foundation of all the work taking place across the UNCOVER Group


Antimicrobial Resistance

Bristol BioBank

Bristol BioDesign Institute

Bristol Biomedical Research Centre

Elizabeth Blackwell Institute

Heath Protection Research Unit

Infection and Immunity

Integrative Epidemiology Unit

Jean Golding Institute